Doctoral Researcher (PhD Student) (all genders welcome)
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
… for Mathematical Stochastics, April 1, 2024 or later, as Doctoral Researcher (PhD Student) (all genders welcome) - 75 % of pay grade 13 TV-L - The … Stochastics, April 1, 2024 or later, as Doctoral Researcher (PhD Student) (all genders welcome) - 75 % of pay grade 13 TV-L - The vacancy is …Student 2023 StellenangeboteDoktorand:in in Pflanzenbiologie
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
… Faculty for Biological Sciences seeks to fill the position of a Doctoral Researcher in Plant Biology commencing on March 1, 2024 or later, until the position … see Theißen et al. (2016), Development 143, 3259-3271; Rümpler et al. (2023), Mol. Biol. Evol. 40, msad088), and will continue to study their … to Land: plant evolution to change“. Your responsibilities: The Ph.D. student will identify DNA-binding sites of an MTF mutant compromised in protein …Student 2023 StellenangebotePhD Student for Ultrafast Imaging of the Vocal Fold Oscillations (m/f/d)
Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
… by the "Apply now"-Button or email. Dr. Johannes Fischer Postdoctoral Researcher Prof. Dr. Michael Bock Professor … - Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg is looking for a PhD Student for Ultrafast Imaging of the Vocal Fold Oscillations (m/f/d) During …Student Researcher 2023 Stellenangebote
PhD position on Deep Learning for Imaging Problems in the Machine Learning and Information Processing Group
Technische Universität München
… models from few and noisy samples, and DNA data storage. We are seeking a researcher to join our team in a DFG funded project on deep learning for medical … funded project on deep learning for medical imaging. We are looking for a student with a strong mathematical and/or coding background. You must hold a …Student Researcher StellenangebotePhD/Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d). Multi-Domain Computational Modeling of the Neuromuscular System for the Human Digital Twin
Technische Universität München
… doctoral or postdoctoral (i.e., recently or soon-to-be PhD graduate) researcher to join our team at MIRMI and contribute to the Geriatronics Lighthouse … Preference will be given to applications received before September 30, 2023. TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the … (Project Y). The position may also include duties related to supervising student research work in the area of cardiovascular modeling and integrating your …Student Researcher StellenangeboteEMBL CPP Visitor Fellowships (for external PhDs and postdocs)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
… number: HD02473 You have Currently employed as a Ph.D or a postdoctoral researcher at a recognised institution of research or education, anywhere around the … in conjunction with their EMBL group leader. Closing date: 31 December 2023 Contract duration: 1-6 months Grading: Unpaid visitor Reference number: … - has a vibrant scientific and social community with a variety of student/staff run clubs and associations - a perfect place to forge lifelong …Student StellenangeboteDoctoral Researcher Position (m/f/d) 005-24-2107
Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden (IFW Dresden e.V.)
… and engineers. Further information at: Doctoral Researcher Position (m/f/d) 005-24-2107 Realizing superconducting circuits using van … of novel quantum circuits using van der Waals superconductors. The student (m/f/d) will therefore learn advanced nanofabrication techniques and …Student Researcher1 PhD Position at the Department of Science, Technology & Society, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
Technische Universität München
… Technical University of Munich, announces an open position for a doctoral researcher (TV-L E13, 75%, 4 years) in Science & Technology Studies. The doctoral … is to start in January or February 2024. Application deadline: Oct 31, 2023. About the research group The research group “Science & Technology … host international guest researchers and academic events. As a PhD student at TU Munich, you will be enrolled in the TUM Graduate School, which …2023 StellenangebotePHD STUDENT (m/f/d) POSITION
Universitätsklinikum Regensburg
… magnetic stimulation (TMS) in patients with major depression. The doctoral researcher in Regensburg will develop and apply an algorithm for identifying … and Experimental Psychopathology) is offering with immediate effect a PHD STUDENT (m/f/d) POSITION full- or part-time for 3 years We are looking for a PhD …Student StellenangebotePhD/Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d). Multi-Domain Computational Modeling of the Neuromuscular System for the Human Digital Twin
Technische Universität München
… doctoral or postdoctoral (i.e., recently or soon-to-be PhD graduate) researcher to join our team at MIRMI and contribute to the Geriatronics Lighthouse … Preference will be given to applications received before August 15th, 2023. TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the … (Project Y). The position may also include duties related to supervising student research work in the area of cardiovascular modeling and integrating your …Student Researcher 2023HiWi/student researcher in bioinformatics (single-cell genomics)
Home Office
Technische Universität München
We currently look for a motivated HiWi-student in the area of bioinformatics/computational biology who contributes in a …Student Researcher StellenangeboteEMBL CPP Visitor Fellowships (for external PhDs and postdocs)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
… number: HD02411 You have Currently employed as a Ph.D or a postdoctoral researcher at a recognised institution of research or education, anywhere around the … form, in conjunction with their EMBL group leader. Closing date: 30 June 2023 Contract duration: 1-6 months Grading: Unpaid visitor Reference number: … - has a vibrant scientific and social community with a variety of student/staff run clubs and associations - a perfect place to forge lifelong …Student Researcher StellenangebotePhD Position in Computational Biology
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
… leading to immediate clinical translation. We are seeking an enthusiastic researcher who wants to work at the precipice of research and translation and is … Oncology and the Division of Pediatric Neurooncology Code number: 2023-0168 The German Cancer Research Center is the largest biomedical research … group). This is an exciting opportunity for a computationally minded student to learn and develop computational approaches to discover novel …Student Researcher 2023Research Assistant / Doctoral researcher in Hydrogeology (m/w/d), EG 13 TV-H, Hydrogeology Research Group, Institute for Water, Waste, Environment (IWAU)
Universität Kassel
… (IWAU) – Hydrogeology Research Group Research Assistant / Doctoral researcher in Hydrogeology (m/w/d), EG 13 TV-H, fixed-term contract (30 hours per … EG 13 TV-H, fixed-term contract (30 hours per week) Closes: 30.06.2023 Date of Hire: 01.09.2023 Reference: 36209 This is a part-time position … states, ranging from present and inactive, to active and growing. The student will combine geophysical (SIP) measurements with microbial and molecular …Student Researcher 2023 Stellenangebote