Incident Response Team Assistant (m/f/d) Bremen Vollzeit Constructor University Bremen gGmbH … be optimally prepared for your area of responsibility. Become part of our Constructor Community and complete the team "Student Life and Support" in the north of … complete the team "Student Life and Support" in the north of Bremen as a Incident Response Team Assistant (m/f/d) (part-time; 40 hours per month; limited) … the team "Student Life and Support" in the north of Bremen as a Incident Response Team Assistant (m/f/d) (part-time; 40 hours per month; limited) The …Incident Team Assistant StellenangeboteCISO Deutschland Vollzeit Constructor group … and research. With expertise in machine intelligence and data science, Constructor is built to cater to the needs of schools, higher education, corporate … operations, including network security, endpoint security, and incident response. Excellent communication and leadership skills. Strong analytical … operations, including network security, endpoint security, and incident response. Excellent communication and leadership skills. Strong analytical and …Incident Response Ggmbh Stellenangebote