Master thesis »Deep Learning-Based Audio Analysis for Avian Population Estimation« Ilmenau Vollzeit Digital Media Technology … C. M. Wood, M. Eibl, H. Klinck, BirdNET: A deep learning solution for avian diversity monitoring, Ecological Informatics, Volume 61, 2021, …for Preparation Avian Wild StellenangeboteINTERN - ENVIRONMENT AFFAIRS [Temporary] Bonn Vollzeit United Nations … Species of Wild Animals (CMS) aims to conserve terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory species throughout their range. It is an intergovernmental … The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) aims to conserve terrestrial, aquatic and avian migratory … Seas (ASCOBANS) or threats that are affecting them; contribute to the preparation of background documents for meetings of CMS, ASCOBANS and aquatic …Consultant for ReportConsultant for the preparation of a Report on Avian Wild Meat Bonn Vollzeit United Nations … Plan (AEMLAP). Expected outputs are: a report (30-50 p.) on the use of avian wild meat of CMS-listed bird species, as detailed above, with an Executive … to assess, to the extent possible, the direct and indirect impacts of wild meat taking, trade and consumption of all CMS-listed bird species (with a focus … is to assess, to the extent possible, the direct and indirect impacts of wild meat taking, trade and consumption of all CMS-listed bird species (with a …Consultant for the Preparation Report Stellenangebote