Job ID: R0285818
Full/Part-Time: Full-time
Regular/Temporary: Regular
Listed: 2023-09-25
Group Strategic Analytics (GSA) concentrates Deutsche Bank’s quantitative and modelling expertise within a single unit. With group-wide responsibility for model development GSA takes a cross-business and cross-functional approach to solving quantitative modelling and analytics challenges and rolls out common development standards.
You will join the Market Risk Strats unit within GSA, which is a team comprised of people with technology, front office quant and risk methodology experience. Your immediate focus will be on methodology development and implementing models for Market Risk and Capital calculation, such as FRTB, VaR as well as a further build-out of a scalable and flexible risk management system with consistent interface to Market Risk.
Responsible for developing methodologies to cover complex risk modelling approaches and support ongoing improvement
Perform complex analysis, evaluation, decision-making & results communication including support of internal model governance and regulatory review processes
Maintain a rigorous focus on system stability, and completeness and accuracy of calculations, as applications are developed, and continue with this focus as they are used in production
Analyse and explain calculated numbers, work with traders, risk managers and strategist colleagues to continuously improve models and risk management tools
Coordinate model development and implementation with various stakeholders in the bank
Relevant university degree (e.g. Master or PhD) in a quantitative discipline
Understanding of the disciplines and tools which are used to deliver robust high quality applications: source control, unit-testing, regression testing, release and deployment controls, etc
Prior exposure to finance, in particular knowledge of financial products/markets and market risk /value-at-risk is a plus
Experience of hands-on development, ideally in Python or C++ and a desire to continue doing this on a day-to-day basis
Desire to learn new subjects and ability to work in a team
Well-organized with a proven ability to solve problems independently with a strong sense of personal ownership and a focus on timelines and delivering results
Please note that this may vary slightly from location to location.
In case of any recruitment related questions, please get in touch with Carolin Adler.
Contact: Carolin Adler, Tel (+49 3034074778)
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