from highly qualified and motivated individuals in the laboratory of Karin Scharffetter-Kochanek ( (65%, TV-L E13, temporary: 3 years)
In a highly innovative, dynamic and supporting environment, this position allows individuals interested in regenerative medicine, stem cells and immunology to become involved in the investigation of mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of mesenchymal stem cells and its mediators on improving non-healing states of cutaneous wounds. This includes the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with distinct cells of the adaptive and innate immunity and aims at the development of novel therapies for skin wounds. This project is attached to the Collaborative Research Centre 1149 “Danger Response, Disturbance Factors and Regenerative Potential after Acute Trauma” ( / [EMBO Rep. 2020 Mar 12:e48777., EMBO Rep. 2020 Feb 21:e49115., Wound Repair Regen. 2020, 28:49., Nat Commun. 2018 Aug 24; 9:3425.]. The laboratory will provide excellent scientific education in a research stimulating environment. Ulm is a vibrant international city, with an interesting scientific atmosphere and industrial collaboration opportunities. The native and cultural offers are exceptional.
We are interested in recruiting self-motivated individuals with a desire to succeed and complement the internationally competitive research activities of the laboratory. Research will include advanced molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry techniques in close collaboration with the medical faculty or external collaboration partners.
Requirements: Applicants will hold an outstanding MSc degree or equivalent in biology, biochemistry or molecular medicine with a proven track record of problem solving and delivery in cell / molecular biology and immunology as documented in the MSc thesis. Please submit your CV (max. 2 pages), certificates (BSc, MSc), contact details of two references, and a covering letter, summarizing your research interest / motivation and previous research experience(s) and explaining how you meet the criteria above (max. 1 page). Candidates with a master thesis in regeneration and wound healing are preferred. An appreciation for working with small animals is required. The applicant should start March 1st, 2024. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to join the International Graduate School of Molecular Medicine Ulm (IGradU).
For foreign applicants, the equivalency of foreign final degrees to the German system is a prerequisite.
The University aims to increase the number of women among the faculty staff and therefore explicitly encourages the application of female scientists. Employment takes place through the administration department of the University Hospital of Ulm on behalf of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg.
Contract: limited
Level of employment: part-time
application deadline: 15.03.2024