Juniorprofessur (W1) für „Popularmusik Schwerpunkt Hip Hop Heidelberg Vollzeit Universität Heidelberg Researcher Siegen Vollzeit Universität Siegen 2 x Doctoral candidates (PhD) (65%; d/f/m) München Vollzeit Technische Universität München
Universität Heidelberg
Professorship for “Translation Studies“ (f/m/d)
Open rank: Tenure Track Professorship (W1 to W3) or Full Professor (W3)
to be occupied as of October 1, 2025.
The Institute for Translation and Interpreting at the University of Heidelberg offers the position of professor of translation studies with a focus on translation processes and translation workflow. The incumbent will be requested to participate in research, teaching and examinations. Other duties include the establishment at the institute of a cross-language research and teaching sector in the field referred to above, supervision of young academics, and appropriate participation in administrative matters.
Your qualifications:
We are seeking candidates with a first independent research profile after the doctorate for the tenure track level (W1). This position will initially be limited to six years and, following a positive tenure evaluation, will be converted to a permanent W3 full professorship. Candidates who are more qualified may be appointed directly on the full professor level.
Applicants should have a track record of empirical research into the interfaces between different processes, resources and competences of translation and multilingual text production, such as interactions of human, computer-aided and machine translation, innovative forms of inter- and intralingual translation/communication, also in the continuum between spoken and written language (e.g. multimedia/ audiovisual translation, speech-to-text interpreting, translation into “Leichte Sprache”/ Easy Language). Experience in conducting major research projects, success in securing external funding, and a record of participation in academic self-governance will be advantageous.
In accordance with Article 51 and 51b Higher Education Act of the state Baden-Württemberg, the appointment to a tenure track professorship (W1) requires a completed degree, an excellent doctorate, and pedagogical aptitude which has generally been proven through teaching experience. If you spent time employed as a research assistant (before or after your doctorate), this employment and the period of your doctoral studies combined should not exceed six years. The appointment to a full professorship (W3) additionally requires a Habilitation, a successfully evaluated junior professorship or equivalent qualifications (Article 47 (2), Higher Education Act).
Applications should be submitted, along with the usual accompanying documents (CV, copies of degrees, a list of publications, a list of courses taught, possibly course evaluations, and a proposal for a research project) in one collated PDF file no later than October 31, 2024, to the Dean’s Office: Dekanat der Neuphilologischen Fakultaet. Voßstr. 2, Gebäude 37, 69115 Heidelberg; Email: neuphil-fak@uni-hd.de.
Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified. Information on job advertisements and the collection of personal data is available at www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/job-market .
Juniorprofessur (W1) für „Popularmusik Schwerpunkt Hip Hop Heidelberg Vollzeit Universität Heidelberg Researcher Siegen Vollzeit Universität Siegen 2 x Doctoral candidates (PhD) (65%; d/f/m) München Vollzeit Technische Universität München