Job ID: R0278009
Full/Part-Time: Full-time
Regular/Temporary: Regular
Listed: 2023-09-19
Role Description
ITAO will be responsible to ensure the applications that he/she owns is fully compliant to DB policies and standards and adheres to regulatory and audit requirements. This role requires co-ordination with stakeholders to fix the identified and reported compliance and control items.
Overall Responsibilities:
Take over the responsibility of Postbank Lift&Shift Application(s)
Make sure that all critical activities in application are monitored and logs are reviewed and ensure that application and infrastructure is always compliant.
Manage application capacity forecasting and monitoring.
Manage any IT Security incidents that may occur in the application.
Support compliance on all steps of SDLC process and make sure that all SDLC controls are green.
Drive incidents reduction against an application
Skills and experience
Experience in Cash-Processes and Postbank is advantageous
Good knowledge of infrastructure tools, networking and information security
Experienced in managing and supporting Infrastructure and Application.
Strong analytical and collaborative skills.
Good experience in stakeholder management and managing teams.
Organized with the ability to multi-task in a fast-paced environment.
Team player and collaborator
Good German and English language skills are required
Education | Certification (Recommended):
What we will offer you:
Please note that this may vary slightly from location to location.
In case of any recruitment related questions, please get in touch with Indu Nandraj Valiyaveetil.
Contact: Indu Nandraj Valiyaveetil, Phone: +(49)151 74646916
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