Management Assistant Düsseldorf Vollzeit Boston Consulting Group Management Assistant Düsseldorf Vollzeit Boston Consulting Group Student Assistant—Reception Berlin Vollzeit Boston Consulting Group
BioCampus Cologne
Die BluCon Biotech GmbH ist ein Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der industriellen Biotechnologie. Sie entwickelt ein neues und einzigartiges Verfahren zur wirtschaftlichen und gleichzeitig nachhaltigen Herstellung von L-Milchsäure aus Reststoffen der land- oder forstwirtschaftlichen Produktion.
Das Ziel liegt dabei in der Herstellung von L-Milchsäure zu geringstmöglichen Produktionskosten, um den Biokunststoff Polymilchsäure (PLA) kommerziell konkurrenzfähig zu Kunststoffen auf Basis fossiler Brennstoffe zu machen. So sollen nicht biologisch abbaubare, petrostämmige Verpackungskunststoffe durch den sowohl biobasierten als auch biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoff PLA ersetzt werden.
Die BluCon Biotech GmbH wurde 2017 gegründet und hat ihren Sitz auf dem BioCampus in Köln.
BluCon Biotech GmbH isdeveloping a unique process to produce L-lactic acid from biomass at the lowestpossible cost, making the bioplastic polylactic acid (PLA) commerciallycompetitive with fossil fuel-based plastics. With this, BluCon Biotech GmbH supports thechange to degradable, environmentally friendly bioplastic products.
To expand our team, weare currently looking for a
Technical Assistant(m/f/d) in the field of fermentation
In your position in our researchdepartment, you will take on microbiological laboratory activities in the fieldof fermentation. You are responsible for the planning, implementation anddocumentation of the fermentation in a 3-liter scale and provide support in theanalysis. In addition, you are responsible for monitoring and maintaining thevarious fermenter systems. You will contribute to the successful furtherdevelopment of our extremophile microorganisms to optimize the lactic acidproduction of the production strain.
You have a completed training as aTA (BTA/CTA), laboratory assistant, technician or bachelor and have alreadygained several years of professional experience in fermentation and processmanagement. Knowledge of HPLC analysis and microbiological cultivation isdesired.
In addition to several years ofprofessional experience, pronounced interdisciplinary thinking, high motivationand initiative as well as the ability to work in a team are importantprerequisites for the advertised positions.
In addition to an attractive andperformance-related salary, you can expect interesting work activities in aninnovative working environment.
Please send us your detailed online application stating your earliest possible starting date and your salary expectations.
Jetzt bewerben
Dr. Andreas Lischka
career@blucon-biotech.comManagement Assistant Düsseldorf Vollzeit Boston Consulting Group Management Assistant Düsseldorf Vollzeit Boston Consulting Group Student Assistant—Reception Berlin Vollzeit Boston Consulting Group
Thesis "Experimental investigations on ammonia synthesis in the power-to-ammonia context" Freiburg Vollzeit Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft VAT Accountant (m/f/d) - Remote Option GER Berlin-Friedrichshain Vollzeit BASF