Brand and Content Manager (f/m/d) Essen Vollzeit E.ON One GmbH Chemiker/Biologe/Arzt (m/w) Bruchhausen-Vilsen Teilzeit CME-Verlag Studentische Aushilfe im Tech-Writing Düsseldorf Teilzeit sipgate GmbH
Deutsche Bank
About the job
Deutsche Bank’s Private Bank business is one of the largest wealth managers worldwide. We offer our clients a broad range of traditional and alternative investment solutions, as well as comprehensive advice on all aspects of Deutsche Banks Private Bank.
As a trusted partner of wealthy individuals and entrepreneurs, family offices and foundations, we create lasting value for clients. We specialize in developing bespoke solutions for our clients around the world, for instance wealth planning across successive generations and international borders, asset management with individual risk management, loans and deposits.
Based in Frankfurt am Main, the candidate will be part of the global Chief Investment Office (CIO Office) of the Deutsche Bank Private Bank. He/she will report to the global Head of the CIO Office who is also based in Frankfurt am Main.
Your k ey responsibilities
Undertaking relevant research and writing reports with special focus on Alternative Asset classes
Monitoring and forecasting foreign economic performance as well as research and analyze economic issues, interpret market trends, esp. within liquid and illiquid Alternative Asset classes, such as private equity, private debt, listed/non listed real estate, etc, according to established investment process
Providing economic advice and recommendations to Private Banks clients globally
Compilation of our House View publications and writing articles for publication
Supporting CIO roadshows globally and regionally
Connectivity to macro and market research in other banks/financial services
All the above responsibilities are shared with the Global CIO Office team. They require a close cooperation with local Chief Investment Officer, strategist teams, and financial writers, but as well with the Discretionary Portfolio Management
Your s kills and qualifications
3-5 years’ experience work experience within the research functions in financial industry and the Private Banking/ Wealth Management environment
Understanding and good knowledge in global macro economics, equities, fixed income, commodities and FX, ESG aspects in financial market context as well as a deeper understanding of Alternative Asset classes
University degree or Masters in Economics, Finance or Management
Fluent in English in speaking and above all writing, excellent writing skills
Excellent knowledge of capital markets and respective work experience
Practitioner with a pragmatic and problem-solving approach and independent and accurate personality with a team approach
Systematic and conceptual skills required and able to work under pressure, proactively and also:
Able to identify and interpret stakeholders’ needs and requirements
A team player and be able to work in virtual teams and matrix organizations
Able to commit and prioritize work duties and tasks
Able to work in fast paced environment
Able to share information, transfer knowledge and expertise to team members
Proficient in Excel, Powerpoint, and Word
What we will offer you
Please note that this may vary slightly from location to location.
In case of any recruitment related questions, please get in touch with Serap Sarican.
Contact: Serap Sarican (+49(69)91014-162)
Unsere Werte bestimmen das Arbeitsumfeld, welches wir schaffen möchten – vielfältig, wertschätzend und offen für verschiedene Meinungen. Nur eine Unternehmenskultur, die eine Vielzahl von Perspektiven, sowie kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Hintergründen vereint, fördert Innovation. Wir setzen auf vielfältige Teams, in welchen die Menschen ihr volles Potential entfalten können – denn das Zusammenführen verschiedener Talente und Ideen spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für den geschäftlichen Erfolg der Deutschen Bank.
Unsere Unternehmenskultur setzt hohe ethische Standards und fördert ein gutes Miteinander. Unabhängig von kulturellem Hintergrund, Nationalität, ethnischer Zugehörigkeit, geschlechtlicher und sexueller Identität, körperlichen Fähigkeiten, Religion und Generation freuen wir uns über Bewerbungen talentierter Menschen.
Sprechen Sie uns an: Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und weitere Zusatzleistungen, um Sie in Ihrem Berufsleben zu unterstützen.
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Brand and Content Manager (f/m/d) Essen Vollzeit E.ON One GmbH Chemiker/Biologe/Arzt (m/w) Bruchhausen-Vilsen Teilzeit CME-Verlag Studentische Aushilfe im Tech-Writing Düsseldorf Teilzeit sipgate GmbH
Content Writer / Copywriter (m/w/d) - Vollzeit Homeoffice Home Office Vollzeit DCF Verlag GmbH