Geschäftsstelle Harburg/Süderelbe: Sozialpädagog:innen für unsere intensivbetreute WG mit 9 Plätzen Hamburg Teilzeit Family Support
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Friedrich Schiller University is a traditional university with a strong research profile rooted in the heart of Germany. As a university covering all disciplines, it offers a wide range of subjects. Its research is focused on the areas Light—Life—Liberty. It is closely networked with non-research institutions, research companies and renowned cultural institutions. With around 18,000 students and more than 8,600 employees, the university plays a major role in shaping Jena’s character as a cosmopolitan and future-oriented city.
To foster excellence and diversity in optics and photonics the university’s Abbe Center of Photonics ( seeks to fill the positions of
commencing as early as possible. We offer full-time positions (40 hours per week offered as fixed-term positions).
The appointees are expected to establish independent research groups in modern fields of optics. While this is an open topic call, strong connections between the new junior research groups and the already existing groups in the Collaborative Research Center “NOA - Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales” ( and/or the research group for Nano & Quantum Optics ( are explicitly desired. Depending on their eventual topical alignment, the new junior research groups will be associated to the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy or the Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences.
This call is focusing on strengthening diversity in science.
The candidates should already have proven their potential for excellent science by an outstanding quality of their Doctorate/PhD research in photonic science or related fields. Furthermore, they should demonstrate the ability to supervise students and their leadership potential to run a research team. A successful postdoc period is highly appreciated. Knowledge of German is an advantage, but due to the international character of the research environment not strictly necessary.
The positions are offered as fixed-term positions, one for a maximum of 5 years and the other one is first limited until 30.06.2027, but in case of a successful evaluation of the funding framework it is planned to be extended by another 4 years. Both positions are full-time positions (40 hours per week). In principle, the positions are also suitable for part-time employment. The extent to which a part-time request can be granted, in particular with regard to the location and scope of the part-time work, will be assessed on the basis of the needs of the service.
We are strongly committed to an increase in the number of women in leading positions in science, and therefore women are especially encouraged to apply.
Candidates with severe disabilities will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications and
Geschäftsstelle Harburg/Süderelbe: Sozialpädagog:innen für unsere intensivbetreute WG mit 9 Plätzen Hamburg Teilzeit Family Support
Zwei Nachwuchsgruppenleiter für Photonik bei Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena Stellenangebote
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