The successful candidate will work 40 hours per week (100 %). The position is classified within
remuneration group 13 of the collective wage agreement among the German federal states
(“Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder” – TV-L). The fixed term of employment is
in accordance with Section 2 subsection 1 of the German Act on Fixed-Term Employment
Contracts in Science and Academia (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz or WissZeitVG.
Your Field of Work: We are delighted to announce an exciting opportunity to join our ERC Consolidator Grant pro-
ject, “STATE-DNA: Origins and Consequences of Structural Change in Government”. This pro-
ject explores the inner structures of ministerial administrations (i.e., ministries and agencies)
and their changes over ~200 years and across six countries (France, Germany, Japan, Neth-
erlands, Norway, and the UK). It investigates the causes of change as well as its effects on
government policy and exploits primarily text (multilingual) data.
We are seeking a highly motivated and dedicated academic staff member to join our inter-
disciplinary team of project and student researchers, with a specific skillset in qualitative and/or
quantitative data analysis. We work with historical case studies as well as text data from par-
liaments, governments, and ministerial bureaucracies and aim to contribute to debates on state
formation and state-building, the structure and organization of government, comparative policy
(agendas), and executive politics.
The Scope of Your Responsibilities: • Preparing and running (semi-)automated data collection, data analyses, and visualization
- independent research on topics that are covered by the project (e.g., (administrative) state
ment (including adjacent research projects and research at the Chair in German Politics
and Government)
At least one-third of working hours is available for in-depth academic work.