WTE - Wireless Software Engineer - SWE München Vollzeit Apple
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
The successful applicant will study HEV entry into host cells. To this end, the applicant will combine genetic, biochemical and high content imaging approaches to identify and characterise cellular and viral determinants of cell entry. In particular, the applicant will follow up on the identification of integrins as host co-factors of HEV cell entry (Fu et al. BioRxiv) and investigate their role in the species tropism of zoonotic HEV genotypes. For further information on the project, please contact us.
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We are looking for a candidate who is
Please directly email your single PDF application package (CV, motivation letter, contact details for 3 referees) or any questions to VietLoan.DaoThi@med.uni-heidelberg.de.
Deadline for submission: 31.07.2024
Note: The UKHD is subject to the provisions of the Infektionsschutzgesetz. Therefore, a vali
WTE - Wireless Software Engineer - SWE München Vollzeit Apple