FairAdvicer Brasil A1 - Seg, Ter, Qua. 2 Abril 2024. 20 às 22:00h Home Office Vollzeit FairAdvicer GmbH
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Position: Scientific Coordinator as Division Manager
Department: Medical Image Computing
Code number: 2023-0355
The German Cancer Research Center is the largest biomedical research institution in Germany. With more than 3,000 employees, we operate an extensive scientific program in the field of cancer research.
The DKFZ takes a leading role in the development and transformation of data science applications in the health science sector. The biomedical research focus includes the areas of (gen)omics, medical image processing, management of patient and clinical data, as well as treatment planning and design.
The Division of Medical Image Computing, currently comprising more than 60 employees, specializes in machine learning methods. The emphasis lies on the development of algorithms and software infrastructure for computer-assisted image analysis for disease detection, therapy, and prevention, especially in the field of cancer research. With its versatile and exciting scientific expertise, the department plays a leading role in numerous national and international collaborations and consortia.
To support the division head and research group, we are looking for a scientific coordinator to join our team as soon as possible. In this attractive and challenging position, you would be involved in the major scientific and management decision processes of the division. You would further coordinate activities and processes within the research division, combining a knowledge of research, administration and operations.
Job description:
We offer:
Important notice:
The DKFZ is subject to the regulations of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG). As a consequence, only persons who present proof of immunity against measles may work at the DKFZ.
Earliest Possible Start Date: as soon as possible
Duration: The position is initially limited to 2 years with the possibility of prolongation.
The position can in principle be part-time.
Application Deadline: 20.10.2023
Prof. Dr. Klaus Maier-Hein
Phone +49 (0)6221/42-2354
Please note that we do not accept applications submitted via email.
The DKFZ is committed to increase the proportion of women in all areas and positions in which women are underrepresented. Qualified female applicants are therefore particularly encouraged to apply.
Among candidates of equal aptitude and qualifications, a person with disabilities will be given preference.
To apply for a position pleas
FairAdvicer Brasil A1 - Seg, Ter, Qua. 2 Abril 2024. 20 às 22:00h Home Office Vollzeit FairAdvicer GmbH
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