Job advertisement no. 185/2023
The department MICA - Anti-infectives from Microbiota, led by Prof. Christine Beemelmanns at the
Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) in Saarbrücken, is offering a position as
Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d)
Project title:
Heterologous expression of cryptic gene clusters and biosynthetic pathway analyses
The Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS) focusses on identifying and
developing new treatment options for infectious diseases with an emphasis on natural product research.
Especially researchers in the department of Microbial Natural Products are aiming to identify, investigate
and optimize novel natural product based actives, applying diverse approaches and methods mainly from
the field of biotechnology, microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry. HIPS was jointly started in
August 2009 by the HZI in Braunschweig and Saarland University on Campus Saarbrücken.
In 2015 HIPS moved into a new 4500 m2 research building in which currently 220 international employees
work. HIPS represents the first and only publicly funded extra-university research unit in Germany dedicated
to pharmaceutical research. The Institute collaborates with universities and various industries both
nationally and internationally.
The ERC-funded research project is part of the ERC Starting Grant MORPHEUS, which studies the function
and origin of bacterial natural products and biomolecules involved in the cell differentiation processes and
defense of marine organisms.
The PhD project encompasses several key components and tasks:
1. Genome Mining of Marine Bacterial Genomes and Metagenomics Datasets
o Undertaking genome sequencing efforts to explore (meta)genomes.
o Evaluation of hybrid gene cluster pathway constructs.
2. Heterologous Expression of Small Hybrid Gene Clusters:
o Design of gene constructs for expression in the host(s) of choice.
o Optimizing heterologous expression conditions
3. Metabolomic Analysis of Heterologous Products:
o Utilizing high-resolution mass spectrometry to monitor product production.
o identify products using advanced analytical tools (Collaborating with experts).
4. Manipulation of Gene Clusters and Monitoring of Product Scaffolds:
o E.g. Single point mutations, module exchange
5. Analysis of wild-type producers
o Microbial cultivation techniques
In this project, the successful candidate will contribute to genome sequencing efforts, focusing on identifying
cryptic gene clusters encoded within (meta)genomes. Heterologous expression of selected sequences in
different hosts will be carried out, with subsequent monitoring of product production using high-resolution
mass spectrometry. The biosynthetic pathways expressed heterologously will be tested for substrate scope
and biochemical properties. Simultaneously, wild-type microbial producers will be cultivated and analyzed
to characterize the natural product portfolio. Collaborative efforts will involve using state-of-the-art analytical
tools for product identification.