Type de contrat : CDD
Niveau de diplôme exigé : Thèse ou équivalent
Fonction : Post-Doctorant
This position contributes to a European project which involves partners from both industry and academia of various European countries.
The goal of the project include:
The position generally requires working on a state-of-the-art analysis of Artificial Intelligence and related technologies in order to identify appropriate tools and libraries for autonomy.
The required research includes in-depth analysis of selected software libraries. Specific metadata information associated to each software under investigation needs to be identified and registered, including cybersecurity risks related to the usage of each software library.
Based on relevant state- of- the- art, preliminary ideas how to support the mitigation of cognitive biases - included in a speech and data processing environment that is used intelligence analysis.
Some other directions that the research can contribute concerning speech processing are :
Additionally, testing of Artificial Intelligence functions and libraries may be required. An investigation of frameworks and models will be conducted to identify the accurate framework that can ensure the future model of the system. The challenges of the autonomous environment will be analyzed to provide an accurate solution concerning the needs defined in the project. This will involve editing and modifying the software libraries so that to assure the needs of the project.
We are looking for a highly motivated, creative, and independent researcher with a PhD and strong research background in scientific machine learning.
The following skills are required :
Post doc = 2788 € bruts / gross per month.
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