Security Consultant in Bonn bei Vector Synergy
Security Consultant in Bonn bei Vector Synergy
Bonn, Germany
Reference No:
VS/RHM-01 / Bonn
Skills, knowledge, experience required:
- Knowledge and experience in:
- Implementation of Modernized BSI IT-Grundschutz with basic protection compendium in manufacturer projects and products;
- Implementation of Bw A960/1 in manufacturer projects and products;
- Creation of system concepts, e.g. role-rights concept;
- Support in designing secure architectures;
- Ability to advice on the implementation of information security measures;
- Excellent knowledge of English language and some knowledge of German language.
Duties/role: - Implementing Modernized BSI IT-Grundschutz with basic protection compendium in manufacturer projects and products;
- Implementing Bw A960/1 in manufacturer projects and products;
- Creating system concepts, e.g., role-rights concept;
- Supporting in designing secure architectures;
- Providing advice on the implementation of information security measures.
VECTOR SYNERGY sp. z o.o., ul. Marcelińska 90, 60-324 Poznań, NIP PL7811857270, REGON 301575740, KRS: 0000369575
Rejestr Przedsiębiorców KRS prowadzony przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS,
kapitał zakładowy wynosi: 73.852,80 złotych wpłacony w całości, TEL +48 616684500, FAX +48 616684501,,