Production / Fermentation Technician (m/f/d) Hamburg Home Office Mushlabs Research assistant (PhD candidate) (m/f/d) Essen Teilzeit Universitätsklinikum Essen Junior Quality Assurance Associate (m/f/d) Hamburg Home Office Mushlabs
Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
For the EU-Biodiversa+ project " MostFun: Monitoring Strategies and Tools to address knowledge gaps on aquatic Fungal biodiversity" with partners from Sweden, Estonia, Switzerland, Italy and Portugal as well as IUCN, we are inviting applications for a scientist position at IGB in Stechlin starting latest on 1st April 2024 with a duration 28 months (Postdoc) or 36 months (PhD candidate).
The project focusses on the assessment of fungal diversity and function to improve current monitoring strategies and tools for conserve and restore aquatic fungal (AF) biodiversity and functions. MoSTFun aims to reduce knowledge gaps on geographic and temporal distributions, and genetic diversity of AF through sampling and by paving the way for their integration in routine monitoring programmes. With extensive sampling campaigns, MoSTFun will test and develop novel monitoring programs in understudied ecosystems, especially glacial and periglacial systems, estuaries, and coastal waters, and fill gaps in AF biodiversity knowledge and methodology. The successful candidate will join the “Aquatic Microbial Ecology” group, located in Stechlin, ~80 km north of Berlin.
We offer an exciting position in an international and dynamic team of researcher, and an attractive scientific working environment including excellent equipment and technical support. We foster flat hierarchies and active participation. Your
career development is fostered by qualification and training opportunities. We actively support the reconciliation of work and family life. The IGB is committed to diversity. IGB is committed to increasing the number of women in this field, therefore applications from women and members of minority groups are particularly welcome. Severely disabled applicants with equal qualification and aptitude will be given preferential consideration.
This is a fulltime postdoc position for 28 months or a PhD position for 36 months. The start date is latest on 01.04.2024. This position is generally suited for part time work. Salary is paid according to the German salary scheme for the public sector for postdoctoral research (E13 TVöD Bund, PhD candidate: 80%). Working language at IGB is English.
We look forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (letter of motivation indicating research interests and experience, CV with publication list, certificates, contact details of at least 2 referees) by 15.01.2024. Please state the job reference number 65/2023 and apply exclusively via our recruitment platform at Enquiries can be directed to Prof. Hans-Peter Grossart at
"Research for the future of our freshwaters" is the mission of IGB – Germany’s largest and one of the leading international centres for freshwater research. In order to investigate different aspects of freshwater ecosystems, their biota and societal relevance, we unit a wide range of disciplines and understand research as a joint effort. With more than 350 employees and guests from all over the world, we conduct research at five locations in Berlin and at Lake Stechlin (Brandenburg). IGB is a member of the German Leibniz Association and the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.
Production / Fermentation Technician (m/f/d) Hamburg Home Office Mushlabs Research assistant (PhD candidate) (m/f/d) Essen Teilzeit Universitätsklinikum Essen Junior Quality Assurance Associate (m/f/d) Hamburg Home Office Mushlabs
Lead Product Development Scientist Berlin Vollzeit Bosque Foods GmbH Senior Food Technologist (m/f/x) @ Mycelium-based Alternative Protein Venture Berlin Vollzeit FoodLabs & Atlantic Labs
Researcher Position Fungal Monitoring Stellenangebote
Stellenangebote bei Leibniz Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Goethe Institut Stellenangebote
Goethe Institut München Stellenangebote
Max-Planck-Institut München Stellenangebote
Pädagogisches Institut München Stellenangebote
Institut für Soziale Arbeit