Your responsibilities
Research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.
The research associate can take part in the doctoral training program “collective decision making” and needs to acquire skills in quantitative empirical data analysis (if necessary) to write a doctoral dissertation in political science or political economy on a topic related to the research interests at the chair of comparative political science, particularly gender and politics, climate politics or sustainable fiscal politics, electoral competition, gender and representation.
Also topics in political methodology, such as natural language processing of political texts, endogeneity, pooled and panel data analysis, or causal inference are possible.
Active participation in research events organized by the chair (colloquia, seminar series) is required.
The position involves teaching of tutorials for basic courses in political science and specialized courses in comparative politics or quantitative methods as well as the supervision of students in seminars. The teaching load is 2 hours per week.
Presence in Hamburg is required except for research related absences.
Universität Hamburg—University of Excellence is one of the strongest research educational institutions in Germany. Our work in research, teaching, educational and knowledge exchange activities is fostering the next generation of responsible global citizens ready to tackle the global challenges facing us. Our guiding principle “Innovating and Cooperating for a Sustainable Future” drives collaboration with academic and nonacademic partner institutions in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and around the world. We would like to invite you to be part of our community to work with us in creating sustainable and digital change for a dynamic and pluralist society.