What we offer 1:1 coaching is a very well established multi billion dollar industry. This encompasses life coaching for private individuals as well as executive coaching for companies. This service is very expensive (typically between 75 and 350 dollars an hour).
We automatize this by creating a revolutionary AI coach that helps people learn to deal with challenges in their private & working lives.
For a fraction of the cost of a human coach, users will be able to have freely flowing and extremely helpful conversations with the AI coach that go far beyond receiving advice. The AI coach will help people to develop their own solutions to their challenges and problems. This means a sustainable and practical impact instead of theoretical input.
The AI coach technology will be applicable to many other fields. AI coaching means greatly improving conversations of many kinds, which will also be applicable, e.g., in customer service, sales and many other areas.
Target group Private individuals and companies
Challenges - Be fast in light of the current development in the AI market.
- Transfer human intuition to the product.
- Use our distinctive coaching know-how to create a greatly superior product with unrivaled customer benefits.
- Despite rapid market developments, create an appropriate A I architecture.
Our story so far The purpose of the Timmermann Group is "To help humanity change for the better". It's one of the most successful change companies with tens of millions of dollars in lifetime revenue: timmermannpartners.com
We have a large customerbase and many fans of our unique change, learning and coaching philosophy.
Part of our services is 1:1 coaching. We have thousands of hours of experience. However, most people in the world cannot use this service due to the high cost.
Already 8 years ag