The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Institute of Semiconductors
and Microsystems invites applications for the
Chair (W2) of Materials Integration in Microelectronics
and Microsystems
connected with the
Head of the newly founded research area Material Systems Integration
at the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Polymer Physics (IPC)
of the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)
to be filled in a joint appointment procedure at the earliest possible date.
TU Dresden is one of the largest technical universities in Germany and one of the leading and
most dynamic institutions in the country. With 17 faculties in five Schools, it offers a wide range of
more than 120 degree courses and covers a broad research spectrum. Its focuses Health Sciences,
Biomedicine & Bioengineering, Information Technology & Microelectronics, Materials Science &
Engineering, Energy, Mobility & Environment as well as Culture & Societal Change are considered
exemplary in Germany and throughout Europe. Since 2012, TU Dresden is one of the “Universities
of Excellence”.
At the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden e.V. (IPF), a total of 485 natural scientists
(chemists, physicists, biologists) and engineers collaborate intensively. The institute has high
competence and modern infrastructure for synthesis, analytics and simulation, as well as
processing and testing of polymers and polymer materials. This allows excellent basic research in
polymer science and diverse transdisciplinary cooperation. Through technology transfer, spin-offs
and industrial cooperation, the IPF promotes the path of innovations into application.
We are looking for you (m/f/x) as an individual with scientific international credentials in the fields
of materials integration in microelectronics and microsystems, synthesis and assembly of functional
hybrid materials consisting, for example, of polymers, nanoparticles and biomacromolecules.
Expertise is expected in innovative patterning techniques such as high-resolution additive
micro-fabrication, microfluidics and microprocessing techniques, and the combination of these
approaches for system implementation of hierarchically structured and adaptive multi-material
composites. You will have the opportunity to develop and implement a challenging, future- and
application-oriented research program in the field of development and system integration of functional
polymer and hybrid materials as well as interactive / smart materials. In doing so, a comprehensive
approach consisting of material synthesis, method development, multi-scale structuring and multi-
material integration as well as their application in microsystems and microelectronics is to be
developed as an essential unique selling point. In particular, the research activities of the Faculty
of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the local research network in the fields of biomedical
engineering, soft robotics, (bio)sensorics, optoelectronics, sustainable electronics and human-
machine interfaces are to be strengthened, which requires a corresponding interdisciplinary approach.
You will contribute to the teaching of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, including
giving courses in English. Mandatory teaching amounts 2 to 4 hours per week during the semester.
Your duties furthermore include participation in self-administration.
We expect from you successful scientific activities in a current field of the appointment area,
excellent research achievements with high development potential, experience in teaching in
the subjects of functional hybrid materials and materials integration, outstanding didactic skills,
accomplishments in securing research grants from third parties and experience in the guidance
and leadership of scientific as well as non-scientific staff. The ability and willingness to teach
courses in English is required. Proficiency in German is not a prerequisite for appointment. However,
we expect the successful candidate to acquire sufficient language skills in German to conduct
teaching and administrative tasks within two years of appointment. Applicants must fulfil the
employment qualification requirements of § 58 of the Act on the Autonomy of Institutions of
Higher Education in the Free State of Saxony (SächsHSFG).
For further questions, please contact the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karlheinz Bock (Tel. +49 351 463-32281; email: or the
head of the appointment committee, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Richter, tel. +49 351 463-32025; email:
TU Dresden and