FairAdvicer Brasil A1 - Seg, Ter, Qua. 2 Abril 2024. 20 às 22:00h Home Office Vollzeit FairAdvicer GmbH
Intellic GmbH
The intellic Germany GmbH is part of the Intellic group. We develop and sale sophisticated hardware and software solutions, in particular smart tachographs and telematic solutions for commercial vehicles.
For our development competence we are looking for an
Information Scientist / Mathematician / Physicist as Software Development Engineer (m/f/d)
You will work in a highly important position in our software development team and drive innovative software solutions.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Your profile
Our offer
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FairAdvicer Brasil A1 - Seg, Ter, Qua. 2 Abril 2024. 20 às 22:00h Home Office Vollzeit FairAdvicer GmbH