Saarland University is a campus university that is internationally recognized for its strong research programmes.
Fostering young academic talent and creating ideal conditions for teaching and research are a core part of the
university’s mission. As part of the University of the Greater Region, Saarland University enables students and staff to
share and exchange knowledge and ideas between disciplines, between universities and across borders. With over
17,000 national and international students, studying more than a hundred different academic disciplines, Saarland
University is a diverse and dynamic learning environment. [Saarland University is officially recognized as one of
Germany’s family-friendly higher-education institutions and with a combined workforce of more than 4,000 it is one
of the largest employers in the region.]
The Department of European Social Research is inviting applications for the following position commencing at the
earliest opportunity.
Academic research assistant (m/f/x)
Reference number W2400, salary in accordance with the German TV-L salary scale1, pay grade: E13 TV- L, duration
of employment: 15.01.2024 – 14.01.2027, volume of employment: 65 % of standard working time.
Department of European Social Research
Job requirements and responsibilities:
As part of the project “PROTEMO – Emotional dynamics of protective policies in an age of insecurity”, a HORIZON
EUROPE funded international research project coordinated by Saarland University, we invite applications for an open
Ph.D. position. The position will be part of the research group of Prof. Georg Wenzelburger (Comparative European
Politics), who is also acting as coordinator of the project together with a Post-Doc. PROTEMO aims to investigate the
emotional roots of protective policies and their emotional consequences for individuals, groups of citizens and non-
citizens as well as for democracy, political participation and mobilisation. The interdisciplinary research group consists
of social and political psychologists, political scientists and sociologists from Denmark, Israel, Poland, Portugal, the
UK and Germany and is led by the Saarland University. Within this broader context of this project and as part of the
Saarland University PROTEMO-team, the Ph.D.-researcher will
1 TV-L = collective agreement on remuneration of public sector employees in the German Länder
The pay grade assigned to an employee depends on their professional qualifications and the number of years of service. Each pay grade is
further subdivided into levels. Entry-level employees with no previous experience will initially be assigned a level 1 rating. After one year at
level 1 of the E10 pay grade, an employee will move up to level 2. After a further two years, the employee will move to level 3, etc.