Founded in 1991, the University of Potsdam has firmly established itself in the scientific landscape and has become
an outstanding economic factor and development engine for the region. It has a high level of third-party funding,
has won several awards for teaching, and has a service-oriented administration and has received several awards
for being family-friendly. Around 21,000 students and 3,000 employees work at three locations - Am Neuen Palais,
Griebnitzsee and Golm - at one of the most beautifully situated academic institutions in Germany.
The University of Potsdam’s Faculty of Health Sciences – a joint faculty of the University
of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane and the Brandenburg
University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg –invites applications for the following joint
professorship under the Karlsruher Modell with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, to be filled as
soon as possible:
Professor (W 2) of Bioanalytics and Data Science
also acting as a
Member of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology – Bioanalytics
and Bioprocesses institute branch IZI-BB
Applicants must have an international track record of excellent research in the field of bioana-
lytics in combination with data science. We are seeking candidates with a research focus on
complex data analysis, using mathematical methods to develop processes in the field of (ana-
lytical/bio-)chemistry, developing intelligent sensors, bio/chemosensors, or optimizing biopro-
cesses. Expertise in natural sciences, process or automation engineering with an understand-
ing of mathematics and computer science, mathematics with technical affinity, or analytical
chemistry with a focus on chemometrics and AI is essential. The successful candidate is ex-
pected to conduct research on medical applications, particularly in the fields of digital point-of-
care diagnostics as well as for identifying and validating biomarkers for geriatric medicine.
The topics of your research should be aligned with the current scientific focuses of the Faculty
of Health Sciences, the University of Potsdam, and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and allow for
broad cooperation with research partners and businesses in the Berlin-Brandenburg region.
Within the role, you will forge strategic relationships between the Faculty of Heath Sciences,
the university, and the Fraunhofer Institute by linking core research topics with applied re-
search, development, and transfer at Fraunhofer. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy
and Immunology IZI, you will have a leading role in the Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses institute
branch at the Potsdam-Golm site.
The successful candidate will be teaching in new programs at the faculty, in particular the
English-language “Public Health, Exercise, and Nutrition” master’s-level program and repre-
sent the full disciplinary breadth of the field of bioanalytics and data science within the life
sciences. A good national and international network and proven teaching ability are expected.
You possess a strong track record of publicly funded grants and industry projects covering the
strategic planning, acquisition, and successful completion thereof. Experience in managing
interdisciplinary research groups is a key qualification for this position. You are well equipped
to establish efficient processes for the target-oriented execution of large-scale research and