PhD position in microwave quantum sensing bei Technische Universität München
PhD position in microwave quantum sensing bei Technische Universität München
The position is offered in a multidisciplinary collaboration with partners from science and industry. You will experimentally investigate novel quantum sensing paradigms in illumination- type experiments with propagating quantum microwaves. Your work is embedded into the quantum technology network formed by WMI, the Excellence Cluster MCQST (, the TU München (, the EU Quantum Flagship project QMiCS (, and several companies working on quantum technology in the Munich area. The planned starting date of the project is January 15-th, 2021, with the anticipated duration of 3 years. Salary is within the 75% TV-L E13 pay grade.
You embrace a PhD project on the design, fabrication, and characterization of innovative superconducting circuits for microwave photon detection in the context of a quantum illumination experiment. You hold a Master’s degree in physics or a similar field of study with a solid background in Josephson physics, microwave engineering, or quantum information processing.
Application documents should include your CV, relevant transcripts and grade reports, and a brief cover letter (1 page maximum) explaining your motivation. Please send them as a single PDF file to Martina Meven (, please mention the code “2021-KF-01”). The applications are accepted until 25.11.2021.
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