FaGe (a) Bruderholz Ausbildung t2ó
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
In the frame of a newly established Clinical Research Unit (Gut-Brain Axis) from the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen we are offering 14 PhD positions.
Cellular and molecular factors in the gut can modulate brain function and, according to recent findings, play a central role in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal and neurological diseases. The Clinical Research Unit (CRU5024) Immune checkpoints of gut to brain communication in inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases (GB.Com) aims to investigate the interaction between the gut and the nervous system in immune-mediated inflammatory and degenerative diseases and, by linking the subjects of immunology and neuroscience, providing the basis for developing new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
We offer the opportunity to be integrated into a dynamic interdisciplinary research network and to perform research under the supervision of leading scientists in the field. The structured educational program provided by GB.Com will qualify the PhD researchers of the CRU5024 for a future scientific career as medical scientists at the interface between clinical and biological research.
Keywords Gut-Brain-Axis, Neurology, Gastroenterology, lmmunology, Stem Cell Biology, IBD, PD, MS, Maschine Learning, Informatics
Die Aufgaben
Your tasks
Working with preclinical in vivo models (mouse models)
Working with preclinical in vitro models (2D human stem cell based models, 3D mouse and human stem cell based organoid models, and primary cells)
Application of an array of routine molecular biology analysis techniques, as well as novel state-of-the-art approaches for handling DNA, RNA, and proteins
Development and employment of novel state-of-the-art techniques such as CRISPR-based genome editing, single cell analysis and advanced high-dimensional imaging
Preparation, execution and evaluation of Multi-OMIC (Transcriptomics, Metagenomics, Metabolomics)
Application of machine learning-based analysis
Das Know-how dafür
Required qualification:
Master’s Degree (or equivalent) in Life Science and excellent academic performance
Practical and theoretical experience in the field of molecular biology, immunology or cell biology
Very good knowledge of English
High level of motivation, ambition and scientific interest
Zusätzlich von Vorteil
Additionally an advantage:
Experience with experimental work in the lab
Experience with bioinformatic data analysis
Experience in computer science and machine learning
Das bieten wir
A crisis-proof job with all the comforts of a collective agreement, including additional pensions from the federal and state pension scheme (VBL), with us as a systemically important employer in the public sector
An interesting job in a motivated, open-minded team
Careful and qualified training
A comprehensive offer for health promotion
Intended classification, depending on qualifications and personal requirements, according to TV-L
Wir zählen zu den besten Krankenhäusern Deutschlands und sind einer der größten Arbeitgeber in Mittelfranken. Diesen Erfolg erarbeiten tagtäglich unsere über 9.500 hoch qualifizierten Beschäftigten in unterschiedlichsten Berufen. Wir als Uniklinikum Erlangen wissen, dass alle unsere Beschäftigten wichtig sind, damit auch in Zukunft modernste Medizin, ausgezeichnete Forschung und Patientenversorgung auf höchstem Niveau gelingen.
Wenn Sie sich eine Tätigkeit mit einem hohen sozialen Wert wünschen und die Welt der Spitzenmedizin mit uns gemeinsam gestalten und ermöglichen möchten, dann sind Sie bei uns richtig!
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FaGe (a) Bruderholz Ausbildung t2ó
PhD student position : Immune checkpoints of gut to brain communication Stellenangebote
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