Corporate Compliance Manager Frankfurt am Main Vollzeit MAM Gruppe Corporate Accountant / Bilanzbuchhalter (m/w/d) München Vollzeit/Teilzeit Allianz Real Estate Chief Financial Officer / CFO (w/m/d) Köln Vollzeit 4Stop
TT-Line GmbH & Co. KG
We are looking for a Chief Officer (m/f/d) beginning of September 2023.
Profile of requirements:
You must be in possession of all valid certificates required by STCW.
Remuneration goes according to the current wage agreement for German shipping.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Corporate Compliance Manager Frankfurt am Main Vollzeit MAM Gruppe Corporate Accountant / Bilanzbuchhalter (m/w/d) München Vollzeit/Teilzeit Allianz Real Estate Chief Financial Officer / CFO (w/m/d) Köln Vollzeit 4Stop
BWL Bank Chief Operating Office Frankfurt am Main Ausbildung Deutsche Bank Chief of Communications Bonn Vollzeit United Nations