W3 Professorship for Thermodynamics bei Technische Universität Braunschweig
W3 Professorship for Thermodynamics bei Technische Universität Braunschweig
With around 17.000 students and 3,800 staff members, Technische Universität Braunschweig is the largest Institute of Technology in Northern Germany. It stands for a strategic and achievement-oriented way of thinking and acting, relevant research, exceptional teaching and the successful transfer of knowledge and technologies to industry and society. We consistently advocate family friendliness and equal opportunities.
We focus our research on mobility, engineering for health, metrology, and future city. Our core disciplines include a comprehensive engineering branch and a strong natural sciences branch, closely linked with business sciences, social sciences, humanities and educational sciences.
Our campus is located at the heart of one of Europe’s most active research regions. We cooperate closely and successfully with more than 20 research institutions right on our doorstep and maintain strong relationships with our partner universities all over the world.
We offer a
W3 Professorship for Thermodynamics
The earliest appointment is planned for the next possible date.
Your responsibilities
The Institute of Thermodynamics in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is a core institute with fundamentals-oriented contributions in the Research Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering (PVZ), the Automotive Research Center Niedersachsen (NFF), the Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB) as well as the Cluster of Excellence Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation (SE2A).
The main areas of future research should be in the following fields:
- Thermodynamics of complex component systems, such as electrolyte systems, polymer systems, active pharmaceutical ingredients incl. biopharmaceuticals,
- Thermodynamic fundamentals of transport processes in energy and material converting processes, e. g. in batteries, fuel cells, electrochemical synthesis or heat pumps.
Experimental as well as theoretical contributions are expected.
A successful applicant (m/f/o) is expected to manage a larger institute and research in the aforementioned focus research areas. The key topics of thermodynamics shall be addressed utilizing experimental as well as simulation-based methods.
Teaching duties comprise of fundamental courses in all undergraduate programs of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering as well as advanced and application-oriented courses for graduate study programs in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Biochemical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering as well as Sustainable Energy Technology.
Our expectations
- Excellent competency in thermodynamics from university, research institution or industry
- Capability and engagement for the conduction, coordination and leadership of interdisciplinary research projects and collaborative research groups
- Very good command of the English language and willingness to teach in English
- Willingness to teach in German
- Willingnesss to participate in the self-administration of the univerity
- Willingness o participate in the internationalization of the university in teaching and to collaborate in international research
- Openness for a close and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and teaching with working groups in the Faculties of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering as well as the Research Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering (PVZ), the Automotive Research Center Niedersachsen (NFF) and the Aeronautics Research Center Niedersachsen (NFL)
- Successful record in the acquisition of third-party projects and conduction of fundamentals -as well as application-oriented research projects
Requirements, § 25 NHG
- Completed university studies
- Pedagogical suitability, proof of this is to be provided by a teaching sample
- Special qualification for deepended independent scientific work, which is usually demonstrated by an above-average doctorate.
- Additional academic achievements, usually within the framework of a junior professorship, a post-doctoral lecture qualification (Habilitation) or achievements equivalent to a habilitation.
At TU Braunschweig, we aim to increase the share of women in academic positions and therefore particularly welcome applications from women. Where candidates have equivalent qualifications, preference will be given to female candidates. Applications from international scientists are welcome. Where candidates have the same qualifications, preference will be given to disabled candidates.
It is a permanent full-time position. A part-time appointment may be possible on request.
Applicants who are 50 years or older at the time the appointment commences and who have not acquired permanent civil servant status (Beamtenverhältnis auf Lebenszeit) will be employed with employee statu